
Hi, welcome to my blog!

I am a fully qualified florist with a City and Guilds Level 2 Distinction.

I have been working at a busy West London flower shop for the last year and I also offer freelance services.

Should you have an event which needs the floral touch added, please contact me on hols_3@hotmail.com and I will happy to discuss your requirements.

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Freelance forist and writer. A "creative type", you might say.

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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Results are In...

I found out today how I faired in terms of the assessment for the work I did towards my C&G Level 2 Qualification in both practical, theoretical and portfolio terms. There is no easy way to say it but I didn't pass. I actually got a Distinction. I am as you might imagine over the moon. I heard the news from my wonderful tutor today via text message with the simple words of: "Distinction. Well Done! Xx". I owe her an awful lot as it was her guidance and encouragement that got me through it, so thanks Janine, I appreciate it so much.

I am in fact now only working at the weekends with Jazz - sadly the Olympics have put paid to deliveries and also July and August are notably always quiet. Add to the fact that my boss is potentially moving to a new shop a few doors down, that means refurbishment will need to take place meaning we won't be able to trade for a little while.

So there we have it...the question is, do I do level 3???

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